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Sustainable timbers, Quetzal Blue y Panama Teak in Darien

Darien is a province in Panama located near the border with Colombia. It is known for its wildlife and silviculture. Forestry, agriculture and cattle being the economic motors in the region. Our projects here vary in ages and genetics. We started planting in Darien back in 2005 and are still planting today with a total planted area of approximately 7,000 hectares with teak in the province. These projects also consist of more than 3,000 hectares of conservation forests.

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Ecocebaco in Mariato and Cebaco

Ecocebaco is a project located in the areas of mainland Veraguas and the Island of Cebaco. An area known for its wildlife, beaches and views. Here we are managing a reforestation project with a mix of native and exotic species of over 800 planted hectares. In addition, we also manage 3,000 hectares of conservation forests within the project area.

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Ecoforest in La Chorrera

Chorrera is located in the province of Panama just one hour from the country’s capital. Our project in Chorrera is adjacent to the Panama Canal in an area that is constantly being reforested for conservation purposes. Here we manage approximately 3,000 planted hectares of both first and second cycle planted trees and over 4,000 hectares of conservation forests.